Last week, FSI was honored to welcome leaders and experts of State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam visiting and researching the document digitalization model of FSI.

The delegation work in FSI office
In the framework of cooperation between State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam and FSI, Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoang – Deputy Director of National Archives Insurance Center – led the delegation of State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam to visit and research the process of document digitalization, scanning technology of FSI.
Representative of FSI, Mr. Nguyen Hung Son – General Director – introduced the company and its products, affirming the company’s capacity in providing document digitalization equipment and solutions meeting customers’ requirement accordingly, especially that of state agencies.

Mr. Nguyen Hung Son to introduce FSI and solutions provided by the company
After that, Mr. Doan Huy Thuan – Director of Center for Digitalization Solutions – presented the document digitalization process, with the focus on document digitalization in archives centers, departments, divisions and sectors, facilitating the archive and workflow of the agencies.

Mr. Doan Huy Thuan to talk about digitalization solutions of FSI
Also in the working session, Mr. Pham Duc Trung – Deputy Director of Technology – Guarantee Center presented the new technology solution in document digitalization, namely the application of 3D scan and large-size scan technology, characterized by 3D scanners of LMI (Canada) brand and large-size scanner ROWE (Germany) (Brands for which FSI is the executive distributor).

Mr. Pham Duc Trung to present 3D scan and large-size scan solutions
At the end of the working session, FSI showed the delegation two digitalization deployment centers of the company in Hanoi.
They were all official deployment centers of FSI with hundreds of employees at the same point. Delegates were very impressed by the scale and professionalism of digitalization deployment of FSI.

A visit to digitalization deployment place of FSI
At the end of the working visit, a meeting was held between both parties to exchange and share their opinions in a friendly and open atmosphere. The delegation gave a lot of practical questions related to the deployment models they visited. With experience gained in its deployment over many years, FSI gave proper answers and advice, satisfying the delegation.
On behalf of the delegation of State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam, Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoang sent thanks to FSI for its warm reception as well as valuable experience it shared. The delegation strongly believed that the experience shared in the working session would be applied and brought high effectiveness in document digitalization of State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam in the future.
Mr. Nguyen Hung Son also sent thanks to the leaders and experts of the Department for visiting, researching and exchanging with the company, and hoped that both parties would boost and enhance the relationship between them, seeking for cooperatingopportunities in the future